miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009
El Rey Sigue Vivo...Eso Creo - The King is still Alive...I Think
los medios impresos = the printed media
el rey del pop = the king of pop
sigue vivo = (he/she/it) is still alive
no es tan dificil = it's not so difficult
hubiera querido = would have wanted to
fingir = to fake
andaba acosado por = was harassed by
Imagínate = Just think, imagine
pensara = were to think
vida cotidiana = daily life
no me sorprendería = it wouldn't surprise me
nunca había fallecido = had never passed away
sique vivito y coleando = he's still alive and kicking ("vivito" instead of "vivo" implies more emotion. "coleando" literally mean "wagging his tail")
escuincles = Mexican word for "kids" - literally menas "hairless Aztecan dog."
Algunos artículos en los medios impresos cuentan que el rey del pop, Michael Jackson, sigue vivo. No es tan difícil de entender
porque el rey hubiera querido fingir su muerte. La verdad es que ya casi no tenía vida privada y siempre andaba acosado por los
periodistas. Imagínate, si todo el mundo pensara que el rey ya no existe, entonces podría tener más paz en su vida cotidiana.
A mí no me sorprendería si en algunos años salga una noticia que revela que el rey nunca había fallecido y sigue vivito y coleando con sus
escuincles en Neverland.
Spanish audio
A few articles in the printed media claim that the king of pop, Michael Jackson, is still alive. It's not so difficult to understand
why the king would want to fake his death. The truth is that he hardly had and privacy and was always harassed by journalists. Imagine
that is everyone thought the king was dead then he could live with peace in his daily life. It wouldn't surprise me that if in a few
years a report came out that revealed that the king had never passed away but was alive with his kids in Neverland.
Image credits: http://image2.examiner.com/images/blog/wysiwyg/image/Michael_Jackson_Rehearsing(1).jpg
martes, 25 de agosto de 2009
El Templo de La Candelaria : Vestigio del Colonialismo - The Candelaria Temple - A Vestige of Colonialism
se ubica = is found
parada del metro = metro stop
según cuentan los historiadores = according to the historians
durante = during
venían de lejos = came from far away
charcos = ponds/big puddles
Hoy día = these days/today
vestigio = vestige
a algunos pasos de = a few paces from
es algo peligroso = it's kind of dangerous
vale la pena = to be worth while
salir de caza = go hunting
El templo de La Candelaria se ubica en la parada del metro con el mismo nombre - La Candelaria. Según cuentan los historiadores
esta área fue famosa por su enorme cantidad de migración de patos durante la época colonial. En esos tiempos las señoras llamadas "las pateras"
venían de lejos y cazaban patos en los grandes charcos que se formaban en abundancia.
Hoy día La Candelaria es un lugar lleno de urbanismo. El único vestigio de los tiempos coloniales es la capilla de la Virgen
de La Candelaria ubicada a algunos pasos del metro. El ambiente es algo peligroso pero vale la pena visitarla si eres aficionado de
la historia mexicana. Las vendedoras de patos rezaban en esta capilla antes de salir de caza.
Spanish audio
The Candelaria Temple is located at the metro stop with the same name - La Candelaria. According to the historians this area was famous for its
enormous quantity of duck migration during the colonial era. During this time the women known as pateras or "duck sellers" came from far away towns
and hunted ducks in the huge ponds that used to form in abundance.
Today, La Candelaria is a very urban setting. The only vestige of colonialism is found in the Temple named after the Virgin of the Candelaria
located a few paces from the metro stop. The area is somewhat dangerous but it's worth visiting if you are a fan of Mexican history. The duck
huntresses used to pray at the chapel before going out to hunt.
sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009
El Hotel Ramada En la Ciudad de México - Ramada Inn Mexico City
Tengo que decir = I have to say
impresionado = impressed
primera calidad = first rate
a diferencia de = unlike
agradable = nice, pleasant
lujoso = luxurious,posh
sin ser = without being
al que = to the person who
a parte de ser = aside from being
hospitalario = hospitable
amable = kind
Tengo que decir que me he quedado muy impresionada con el hotel Ramada Inn del aeropuerto de la Ciudad de México. Desde que llegamos el servicio ha sido de primera calidad. A diferencia del Ramada Inn en Los Estados Unidos los de México son más agradables y mucho más lujosos sin ser de 5 estrellas. Lo recomiendo mucho al que viaja a la Ciudad de México.
Spanish audio
I have to say that I am very impressed with the Ramada Inn at the Mexico City Airport. Since we arrived the service has been top notch. Unlike the Ramada Inn in the United States the ones in Mexico are very nice and much more luxurious without being 5 stars. I recommend the Ramada if you are staying in Mexico City.
ramada inn,
spanish language,
spanish lessons,
spanish readings
jueves, 6 de agosto de 2009
Se Cae Steven Tyler - Steven Tyler Falls
cantante = singer(male or female)
tuvo = had
escenario = stage
estaba bailando = he/she was dancing
de repente = all of the sudden
se cayó = he fell
no se lastimó tanto = he didn't get hurt that bad
la caída = the fall
Ojalá = I hope
estar de vuelta = to be back
El cantante de Aerosmith, Steven Tyler, tuvo un accidente en un escenario de San Diego, California. Aparentemente, el famoso vocalista estaba bailando muy enérgicamente y de repente se cayó. Los médicos reportan que no se lastimó tanto pero la caída estuvo bastante fuerte. Ojalá que se recupere pronto y que esté de vuelta bailando en el escenario.
The Singer for Aerosmith, Steven Tyler, had an accident on stage in San Diego California. Apparently, the famous vocalist was dancing very energetically and fell all of the sudden. Doctors reported that he wasn’t hurt that bad but the fall was rather hard. I hope he gets better soon and returns to dancing on the stage.
Image credits: http://bp1.blogger.com/_8yNDyigGijI/R0gHZHBr1OI/AAAAAAAAARI/Oa26RAEOxc0/s320/steven+tyler+boca+feo.jpg
miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2009
El Híbrido Perro Humano - Human Dog Hybrid
Hay = There is/are
Una especie = A species
Ser humano = Human being
Fuera = Were to be
Sin Embargo = Nevertheless, however
Asombrosa = Amazing
Ciencia ficción = Science fiction
Ya que = Given that
No hacen caso = They don't pay attention to...
Hay reportes que existe una especie entre perro y ser humano. Si esto fuera la verdad sería una cosa realmente asombrosa. Sin embargo creo que se trata de ciencia ficción. Para decirte la verdad yo jamás quisiera tal criatura como mascota ya que los seres humanos son bien revoltosos y no hacen mucho caso a las órdenes.
Spanish Audio
There are reports of a human dog species. If this were the truth it would be truly amazing. Nonetheless, I think it's science fiction. To tell you the truth I would never want such a creature as a pet given that humans are very rebellious and don't follow orders well.
English Audio
Image credits: http://images.teamsugar.com/files/usr/1/13254/creepy.jpg
martes, 4 de agosto de 2009
"Lana por Carcacha" - "Cash for Clunkers"
carcacha = clunker
tener éxito = be successful
llegar a la quiebra = go broke
Lana = Money/cash - literally "wool"
Se ve que el programa “Lana por Carcacha” o “Cash for Clunkers” ha tenido bastante éxito para la administración de Barack Obama. Realmente creo que el programa fue original y es representativa de su creatividad. Dicen que el programa puede llegar a la quiebra pero están ideando una resolución para evitar semejante suceso. Como fin, el programa va a promover la venta de coches nuevos y beneficiar a la industria automovilística.
Spanish Audio
It looks as though "Cash for Clunkers" has been very successful for the Obama administration। I really think the program was original and reflects creativity. They say that the program could go broke but the administration is thinking of ways to avoid such a problem. The goal of the program is to promote new car sales and to benefit the automobile industry.
English Audio
Image Credits: http://japanesenostalgiccar.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/uk_cash4clunkers.jpg
lunes, 3 de agosto de 2009
Imágenes de Barack - Pictures of Barack
se ve que = it look as though
estar enojado = to be mad
cuentan = they say/report
colgar = hang
Guasón = Joker
murciélago = bat
Spanish: Se ve que álguien está enojado con el presidente Barack Obama. Cuentan las noticias que un grupo todavía desconocido está colgando imágenes del presidente vestido como el Guasón de la caricatura del hombre murciélago. Dicen por ahí que pueden empezar a colgar estas imágenes por todo Estados Unidos.
English: It looks like someone is mad at Barack Obama. The news reported that an unknown group of people are hanging pictures of the president dressed like the Joker from the Batman cartoon. They say that they might start hanging these all over the United States.
Image credit: http://image.examiner.com/images/blog/wysiwyg/image/Obama-socialism_0.jpg
martes, 28 de julio de 2009
K-Fed ya Está Llenito – K-Fed's a Little Chunky
no pude creer = I couldn't believe it
se engordó = he got fat
tragando = wolfing down
chistoso = funny
estar en buena forma = be in good shape
hacía = he used to do/was doing
ya no tanto = not so much anymore.
No pude creer cuando vi las imágenes del ex esposo de Britney Spears. Ese K-Fed se engordó muchísimo. ¿Qué estará tragando? Eso sí es algo chistoso. De hecho estaba de muy buena forma y se veía que hacía mucho ejercicio. Obviamente ya no tanto. Ni modo, eso pasa a todos. Casi todos.
Listen to Spanish audio
I couldn't believe it when I saw the pictures of Britney Spears's ex husband. That K-Fed got really fat. What is he stuffing down? This is hilarious. Actually he was in really good shape and it looked like he did a lot of exercise. Obviously, not anymore. O well, it happens to everyone. Almost everyone.
Image credit: http://cm1.theinsider.com/media/0/378/63/fat_kevin_federline2.0.0.0x0.450x619.jpeg
Jim Johnson Se Murió - Jim Johnson Died
se murió = he/she/it died
por lo visto = it seems that
cuentan que = they report/say that
de sus tiempos = of his time
genio = genius
Jim Johnson ya se murió. Ese hombre era el coordinador de la defensiva de los Eagles. Por lo visto se murió de cáncer. Cuentan que era de los mejores coordinadores de sus tiempos y que era realmente un genio.
El señor Johnson tenía sesenta y ocho años cuando se murió.
Jim Johnson has died. He was the defensive coordinator for the Eagles. It appears as though he died of cancer. They say he was one of the best coordinators of his time and that he was really a genius.
Mr. Johnson was sixty eight when he died.
Image credits: http://static.nfl.com/static/content/catch_all/nfl_image/j_johnson_eagles_D_cordinator_IA.jpg
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