los medios impresos = the printed media
el rey del pop = the king of pop
sigue vivo = (he/she/it) is still alive
no es tan dificil = it's not so difficult
hubiera querido = would have wanted to
fingir = to fake
andaba acosado por = was harassed by
Imagínate = Just think, imagine
pensara = were to think
vida cotidiana = daily life
no me sorprendería = it wouldn't surprise me
nunca había fallecido = had never passed away
sique vivito y coleando = he's still alive and kicking ("vivito" instead of "vivo" implies more emotion. "coleando" literally mean "wagging his tail")
escuincles = Mexican word for "kids" - literally menas "hairless Aztecan dog."
Algunos artículos en los medios impresos cuentan que el rey del pop, Michael Jackson, sigue vivo. No es tan difícil de entender
porque el rey hubiera querido fingir su muerte. La verdad es que ya casi no tenía vida privada y siempre andaba acosado por los
periodistas. Imagínate, si todo el mundo pensara que el rey ya no existe, entonces podría tener más paz en su vida cotidiana.
A mí no me sorprendería si en algunos años salga una noticia que revela que el rey nunca había fallecido y sigue vivito y coleando con sus
escuincles en Neverland.
Spanish audio
A few articles in the printed media claim that the king of pop, Michael Jackson, is still alive. It's not so difficult to understand
why the king would want to fake his death. The truth is that he hardly had and privacy and was always harassed by journalists. Imagine
that is everyone thought the king was dead then he could live with peace in his daily life. It wouldn't surprise me that if in a few
years a report came out that revealed that the king had never passed away but was alive with his kids in Neverland.
Image credits: http://image2.examiner.com/images/blog/wysiwyg/image/Michael_Jackson_Rehearsing(1).jpg
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