cantante = singer(male or female)
tuvo = had
escenario = stage
estaba bailando = he/she was dancing
de repente = all of the sudden
se cayó = he fell
no se lastimó tanto = he didn't get hurt that bad
la caída = the fall
Ojalá = I hope
estar de vuelta = to be back
El cantante de Aerosmith, Steven Tyler, tuvo un accidente en un escenario de San Diego, California. Aparentemente, el famoso vocalista estaba bailando muy enérgicamente y de repente se cayó. Los médicos reportan que no se lastimó tanto pero la caída estuvo bastante fuerte. Ojalá que se recupere pronto y que esté de vuelta bailando en el escenario.
The Singer for Aerosmith, Steven Tyler, had an accident on stage in San Diego California. Apparently, the famous vocalist was dancing very energetically and fell all of the sudden. Doctors reported that he wasn’t hurt that bad but the fall was rather hard. I hope he gets better soon and returns to dancing on the stage.
Image credits: http://bp1.blogger.com/_8yNDyigGijI/R0gHZHBr1OI/AAAAAAAAARI/Oa26RAEOxc0/s320/steven+tyler+boca+feo.jpg
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