no pude creer = I couldn't believe it
se engordó = he got fat
tragando = wolfing down
chistoso = funny
estar en buena forma = be in good shape
hacía = he used to do/was doing
ya no tanto = not so much anymore.
No pude creer cuando vi las imágenes del ex esposo de Britney Spears. Ese K-Fed se engordó muchísimo. ¿Qué estará tragando? Eso sí es algo chistoso. De hecho estaba de muy buena forma y se veía que hacía mucho ejercicio. Obviamente ya no tanto. Ni modo, eso pasa a todos. Casi todos.
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I couldn't believe it when I saw the pictures of Britney Spears's ex husband. That K-Fed got really fat. What is he stuffing down? This is hilarious. Actually he was in really good shape and it looked like he did a lot of exercise. Obviously, not anymore. O well, it happens to everyone. Almost everyone.
Image credit: http://cm1.theinsider.com/media/0/378/63/fat_kevin_federline2.0.0.0x0.450x619.jpeg
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